Baking alone or with others? Which do you prefer?

4 Sept 2014

So it has been a while since I last blogged- 10 months to be exact. What with AS levels and a very poor memory, blogging has not been a big priority. But, as part of my grand return, I have decided to start with one of the most debatable topics of the kitchen: tomayto or tomarto? Fine, maybe that isn't the post I had in mind. It's obviously tomarto (here in England at least). The subject I was thinking of is 'Baking alone or with others?' - which do you prefer? We all have our personal preferences when it comes to the kitchen. Some of us take on the role of a dictator (e.g my cousin... and me as well I suppose). Others welcome the help of anyone and everyone, too scared of braving a dreaded recipe alone. But there are pros and cons of both, are there not?